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archiwalia arch2

archiwalia arch2
VIENNA PARADE VICTORS 1642 19.08.1945 Soviet soldiers at the parade in honor of the unveiling of the monument to Austria s liberators. Vladimir / Sputnik Vienna Austria PUBLICATIONxINxGERxSUIxAUTxESTxLTUxLATxNORxSWExDENxNEDxPOLxUKxONLY Copyright: xVladimirx
Minimum price 50PLN imago is entitled to issue a simple usage license at the time of provision. Personality and trademark rights as well as copyright laws regarding art-works shown must be observed. Commercial use at you
archiwalia arch2
IMAGO/Vladimir/Imago Stock and People/East News
Imago Stock and People
17cm x 25cm przy 300dpi
08, 1642, 19, 1945, AN, AT, AUFMARSCH, AUSTRIA, befreierinnen, COPYRIGHT, DENKMAL, DER, DES, EHRTEN, EIN, enthlllung, HOCH, HONOR, IM, IMAGO, IN, LIBERATORS, MONUMENT, OF, PARADE, publicationxinxgerxsuixautxestxltuxlatxnorxswexdenxnedxpolxukxonly, S, SOLDATEN, SOLDIERS, SOVIET, SOWJETISCHE, SPUTNIK, SPUTNIKS, STERREICH, THE, TO, UNVEILING, VICTORS, VIENNA, VLADIMIR, WIEN, X0X, xvladimirx,