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Rustykalna posiadłość w Umbrii - Andreas von Einsiedel

Rustykalna posiadłość w Umbrii - Andreas von Einsiedel
  • 30,00 EUR

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  • 40,00 EUR

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  • 75,00 EUR

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  • 90,00 EUR

    Strictly for editorial, single use, inside of newspaper, magazine, book (including digital version), one edition, one single country. Not for resale.

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Twelve years ago during a visit to the Umbrian holiday home of designer Richard Taylor, London/Paris** based artist Andrea Tana took a walk through the countryside with her host and fell spontaneously in love with a ruin situated on a hillside in the middle of fields and orchards. She describes the view as being that of a Renaissance landscape. "It was love at first sight," she recalls. "I saw the 16th century 'abbandonata' and knew that this would be my future home." Once inside the fragile, roofless structure built on several levels, Andrea visualised how the house would look once it had a roof and the windows were unblocked allowing the light to flood in. "It was a typical contadina dwelling and I was determined to retain the character as well as honour the beauty of the natural materials and the workmanship of the stonemason who built the house. In due course, Andrea bought the property and the restoration began - first the house, then the outbuildings. "The builders who worked on the project were so pleased that I loved it for what it was - a simple country home with no pretensions to be anything other than that." The drying barn is now used as the summer dining area and the old stable serves as the studio where Andrea works on her paintings and the hand-painted ceramic tableware which she produces to commission. A mix of much loved antiques from her previous homes and newer acquisitions bought in and around nearby Perugia, are set off by the simple decorative scheme. "Umbrian light, views, fine buildings, wonderful friends, fabulous food - sometimes I can"t believe how lucky I am to be living in this idyllic part of the world."
Andreas Von Einsiedel
Andreas von Einsiedel
45cm x 30cm by 300dpi