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archiwalia arch2

archiwalia arch2
WWII RUINS 2658 10.04.1944 The destruction caused by the Nazis. Zelma / Sputnik Odessa Ukraine PUBLICATIONxINxGERxSUIxAUTxESTxLTUxLATxNORxSWExDENxNEDxPOLxUKxONLY Copyright: xZelmax
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archiwalia arch2
IMAGO/Zelma/Imago Stock and People/East News
Imago Stock and People
25cm x 16cm by 300dpi
04, 10, 1944, 2, 2658, BY, CAUSED, COPYRIGHT, DER, DESTRUCTION, IMAGO, INDEM, NAZIS, ODESSA, ODESSAER, publicationxinxgerxsuixautxestxltuxlatxnorxswexdenxnedxpolxukxonly, QUER, RUINEN, RUINS, RUNG, SPUTNIK, SPUTNIKS, THE, UKRAINE, VERURSACHT, WELTKRIEG, WW2, WWII, X0X, xzelmax, ZELMA, ZERST,