Mandatory Credit: Photo by RRAuction/Bournemouth News/Shutterstock (12902478a) A cutting letter by Ludwig Beethoven moaning about being underpaid has sold for L153,000. ($201,000) The legendary German composer says he will not finish a project until he gets a better deal from a Viennese opera house. Beethoven had been asked by the poet Friedrich Treitschke to compose music for his opera poem Romulus. But he tells him in the 1815 correspondence that while he wants to work with him on it, the financial conditions need to be 'honourable'. Beethoven says he could earn more money in London where there was enough offered 'it could make one go fat'. The four page handwritten letter sold with RR Auction, of Boston, US. A letter by Ludwig Beethoven moaning about being underpaid for his work has sold for L153,000. ($201,000) - 02 Mar 2022