JEB4920169 The Abbey of St. Michael of Cuxa (St. Michael of Cuxa also spelling Cuixa, of the Catalan name Sant Miquel de Cuixa). Cloister Romanesque built in the decennia 1130-1140. Codalet, Pyrenees Orientales (Pyrenees-Orientales), Languedoc Roussillon (Languedoc-Roussillon), France. Photography.; ( The Abbey of St. Michael of Cuxa (St. Michael of Cuxa also spelling Cuixa, of the Catalan name Sant Miquel de Cuixa). Cloister Romanesque built in the decennia 1130-1140. Codalet, Pyrenees Orientales (Pyrenees-Orientales), Languedoc Roussillon (Languedoc-Roussillon), France. Photography.); ?? Jean Bernard; it is possible that some works by this artist may be protected by third party rights in some territories.