JEB4917466 Romanesque art: presentation in the temple. Lower left detail view of the frescoes ??sThe Life of Christ??????. Painting of the 13th century. from the church of Saint Martin (Saint Martin, 11th and 12th century) to Nohant Vic (Nohant-Vic), Indre (36400), Centre, France. Photography 2010; ( Romanesque art: presentation in the temple. Lower left detail view of the frescoes ??sThe Life of Christ??????. Painting of the 13th century. from the church of Saint Martin (Saint Martin, 11th and 12th century) to Nohant Vic (Nohant-Vic), Indre (36400), Centre, France. Photography 2010); ?? Jean Bernard; it is possible that some works by this artist may be protected by third party rights in some territories.