XEE5027461 Cartoon by Giovanni Battista Pergolesi (Jean Baptiste Pergolese, Jean-Baptiste) (1710 - 1736) - Drawing by Pier Leone Ghezzi (1674 - 1755) which reports that the composer suffered from a handicap in one leg and limped, 1736 - Codex Ottoboni, Rome, Bibl. Vaticana; (add.info.: Cartoon by Giovanni Battista Pergolesi (Jean Baptiste Pergolese, Jean-Baptiste) (1710 - 1736) - Drawing by Pier Leone Ghezzi (1674 - 1755) which reports that the composer suffered from a handicap in one leg and limped, 1736 - Codex Ottoboni, Rome, Bibl. Vaticana); Stefano Bianchetti; out of copyright.