Four wage-earning working women walk with pickets and suffrage banners: February 1917. VARIOUS, UNITED STATES: COLOURISED images of the brave women who fought for women's rights as part of the suffrage movement have been revealed. In one image, women stood in front of the Lafayette Statue, Washington D.C, USA, in September 1918 waving banners, whilst another woman burned a piece of paper with President Wilson?s words on in a bid to get the last vote in the Senate before June 4, 1919. Another showcased a group of women holding up picket banners outside Cameron House Headquarters in 1917 that read, ?Mr. President you say ?liberty is the fundamental demand of the human spirit?? and ?Mr. President what will you do for woman suffrage.? Others showed Mrs Susanna Morin Swing - a member of the National Woman?s Party - holding up a banner that read, ?Democracy should begin at home,? whilst another photo showcased two organisers of a demonstration as they tied a banner to a car parked outside the New Jersey Congressional Union brand headquarters, in preparation for a drive-by protest. These amazing photographs date between 1875-1938 but were mostly created between 1913-1922. They depict the inspired tactics used by the British and American suffrage movement during this time, such as hunger strikes and demonstrations which have created a better future for women today. Due to the nature of the protest being created to mostly attract attention, there is a rich history documented in photographs of this movement where members of the National Woman?s Party asked members to submit photographs of themselves to gain worldwide attention. The National Woman?s Party was founded in 1913 as part of the Congressional Union for Woman Suffrage who pushed for an agreement towards the 19th amendment - which prohibits the state from denying the right to vote based on gender in the United States - which was passed in 1920.