Camila Alves (camilamcconaughey / 20.05.2021): #NationalRescueDogDay We have been adopting animals for a while! From Texas, California, Arkansas, Hawaii and some places in between If you are thinking of adding an animal to your family consider adopting! It is hard work but the reward is beyond words rescued animals just have a different loyalty and love when they become part of the family! This past year I was fortunate to work with @hawaiiislandhumanesociety who does amazing work they have the most amazing shelter I have ever seen- which is where we got our newest addition! They can send animals to different places in the mainland I didnt know that! If you are looking for more information on adoption and why its a better alternative check out my Stories and head to @womenoftoday where I am sharing personal experience with dog rescuing. . . #NationalRescueDogDay H um tempo que adotamos animais! Do Texas, Califrnia, Arkansas, Hawaii e outros lugares Se voc est pensando em adicionar um animal sua famlia, considere a adoo! bastante trabalho, mas a recompensa est alm das palavras e os animais resgatados tm uma lealdade e um amor diferente quando passam a fazer parte da famlia! No ano passado, tive a honra de trabalhar com a Hawaii Island Humane Society, que faz um trabalho maravilhoso, eles tm o abrigo mais incrvel que eu j vi - que onde ns encontramos novo membro da famlia ! Eles podem enviar animais para diferentes lugares no continente.. eu no sabia! Se voc est procurando mais informaes sobre adoo e por que uma alternativa melhor, confira minhas histrias e v para @womenoftoday, onde estou compartilhando as experincias Supplied by to face
fot. FaceToFace/Reporter