Debra Messing (therealdebramessing / 19.05.2021): In bed with another brilliant woman. If you dont know @doctorshefali, immediately follow her on Instagram. Watch her videos. Just do it. Trust me. She is so..wise. Shes smart, of course, she has her Doctorate, but there is a wisdom within Dr. Shefali that feels really profound. And now she has a new BOOK! #ARadicalAwakening. It is a call for women to break free of the limitations brought on by personal and cultural conditioning; to live true, to live free. I cant recommend it enough.I just want to sit with her over a cup of tea and listen. This would make a great book club book with your besties. Radically Awaken together! #booklove #bookporn #bookstagram #book #womenempowerment #womensupportingwomen #womenwholift #booklover #booknerd Supplied by to face