Jane Fonda (janefonda / 17.05.2021): Latest Blog Post: Mothers Day I was waiting till I got another photo of the whole gang to go with this before posting and time got away from me, I never got the other photo, and Mothers Day seemed to be receding. Until I just read my weeks-old blog comments with so many nice comments about Mothers Day that I decided, screw it. I want my followers to rejoice with me that for Mothers Day dinner, I went out as a guest of Bob and Ginny Newhart and their daughter, a son, 3 granddaughters and a grandson. And man-o-man was it fun. Its a great idea to have a friend whos a stand up comedian. You laugh a lot. CONTINUE READING (LINK IN BIO) https://www.janefonda.com/2021/05/mothers-day/ @bobnewhartofficial #bobnewhart #bobandginnynewhart Supplied by Instagram.com/face to face