Camila Alves (camilamcconaughey / 26.01.2021): #Repost @womenoftoday Since we are talking about healthy habits and routine and because Im seeing more questions from you guys on @womenoftoday here is what I do in between the days I break my intermittent fasting: I try drinking a celery juice as many mornings as I can to kick start my metabolism There is no recipe for this! All you need is a cold pressed juicer but you can use a regular juicer and just add in just celery- thats it!! If you have a hard time with taste trust me, you do it enough and you get used to it. The freshness of the celery affects the taste and amount of nutrients in it too! Drinking celery in its pure form can help your digestive system in a lot of ways and its even brightened up my skin the more I drink it! Let me know if you guys want me to show you how I make it and want to see things like this! Supplied by to face