Rumer Willis (rumerwillis / 24.01.2021): While I know I dont owe anyone an explanation for my personal choices, I feel in service of support of myself an others I wanted to share. I have spoken quite a few times about my journey with self acceptance and self love and that I has most certainly not been easy and is absolutely something that is still a a work and progress and something I still struggle with daily. When @Cuup reached out to me about having a conversation with them for their Body Talk series I was extremely excited to find another outlet to talk with women who share my values and like me have a desire to support and highlight all of our unique differences and shapes and sizes. At first I was extremely nervous about taking photos in my underwear and feeling so exposed and vulnerable, even though I have done it various different times in a more fine art setting with my friend @thetylershields. This felt different. It felt like this was about putting myself, with all my own personally perceived flaws or things I feel insecure about and be willing to show up vulnerably and authentically. To share my journey with it and practice what I share by putting myself out there which is very scary for me after so many years of being shamed and judged and ridiculed for how I look. Having my self esteem decimated as a teen by bloggers and anonymous commenters spewing negativing and hate in my direction. i have worked tirelessly since I was a young girl to love myself, love my body, my face. To not allow the negative commentary from others about how I look to affect the value I hold for myself. This is my version of healing. I was saddened yesterday by the amount of comments I saw yesterday that really missed the point of what I wanted to share. This is not about sex, its not about staying relevant or garnering attention. I truly could care less about those things and to be perfectly honest I dont have the time or energy to waste on that Bullshit. Continued in comments