Jane Fonda (janefonda / 23.03.2020): The first vote on the COVID-19 relief package just failed in a 47 - 47 vote. However the things that I write about below will continue to be pushed so we must continue to push back. Call 1-877-969-2590 and tell your Senators all funds must go to saving lives, helping working families, and transforming our economy to put the health of people and planet first! While the Bill is changing as we speak, the latest text increases the corporate slush fund to $500,000,000,000 (Sec 4001). Eligible business is defined as any business that has not otherwise received adequate relief.. This is a massive loophole for the coal, oil, and gas industry that we need to close. We also need to scrap the $3,000,000,000 they allocated for the Strategic Petroleum Reserve (p 36 Division B, pdf p429). Oil and gas lobbyists are all over this thing. Supplied by Instagram.com/face to face