Erika Christensen (erikachristensen / 20.03.2020): So yeah, red lips with the sweats today. Yknow that whole, dont pressure yourself to spend this time to write The Next Great American Novel, youll just stress yourself out thing? I think it has to be a balance. With the two small children I want the make sure this time is enriching for them. It does feel important. But Im mostly concerned with all of us getting fed and sleeping. And for myself, the dream is to #kondo my clothes and read books but, really, yeah right. Yeahhhh right. I have been doing push-ups every morning this week and went from 25 to 30 in go. Thats something. Also do you know that app @duolingo? Great for learning and practicing foreign languages tho mayyyybe I should look at cutting my screen time a little. Oh ALSO I realized I never clean door handles and light switches! Gross. So I disinfected them all. Oh and I cut off a pair of jeans. SUCCESS Supplied by to face
fot. Face to Face/REPORTER