FRANCE: Cooking in the trecnhes. Note the small stream to the left of the image, used to drain away the worse of the excess water but typically filled with human effulence. MUDDY Hell: Shocking 100-year-old pictures show the quagmires which British troops in the First World War had to fight, live, and march through. Sobering images from the Great War show soldiers battling free a car entrenched in deep mud; a smiling trooper putting on a brave face as he examines his flooded dugout on the Front Line; and an exhausted mule presumably drawing its last breaths as French soldiers desperately try and pull the doomed beast out of a deluged shell hole. Another brutal shot, part of the National Library of Scotland???s online collection, shows a struggling soldier attempting to drag a large gun along a sodden railway track surrounded by bog. Mediadrumimages/PublicDomain