A few of the thousands of wedding rings the Nazis removed from their victims to salvage the gold, in a cave near the Buchenwald concentration camp, Germany, 5 May 1945. U.S. troops found rings, watches, precious stones, eyeglasses, and gold fillings extracted from inmates. THE HEARTBREAKING horrors of the Holocaust have been brought into light again thanks to a series of colourised images. Striking shots show Senator Alben W. Barkley, member of a committee investigating Nazi atrocities, looking at a pile of bodies at Buchenwald concentration camp; Jews being executed by German army mobile killing units, the Einsatzgruppen, after they had dug their own graves; and starving children asking for alms in the Warsaw Ghetto. Other horrifying images show thousands of wedding rings the Nazis removed from their victims to salvage the gold, prisoner no.40472 of the Auschwitz concentration camp who was identified as Michal Loborski and members of the 42nd Rainbow Division, 7th US Army uncovering a wagon transporting some of the horrors of Dachau. The original black and white photographs were colourised by Joel Bellviure (17) who lives between Palma, Mallorca and Barcelona, Spain. Joel Bellviure / mediadrumworld.com