Hana Nitsche (hananitsche / 08.08.2018): Today as we reflect on our past, lets bow down our heads and be thankful for everything we have experienced. All the good but also all the bad. Lets embrace it to rise above to the HERE AND NOW. Letting go of all the past hurt, all the grief or even anger, all the negative emotions. Lets be mindful that all of it lead to this current moment. To a more empowered and enlightened you. All the growing, all the change, every struggle turned you into a better version of yourself. Use it all to elevate yourself above all the limitations you think came from your past. To free yourself and heal from everything that is holding you back. Focus on all the good instead it brought to you. Breathe in LOVE, break free from those old chains, elevate yourself to be here in the present moment, feel yourself being rooted and grounded in all whats good and positive. As your vibration rises, see all the light unfold. Namaste Much LOVE to all of you. #pastandpresent #goodvibes #loveunfolds #sunsetmagic #selfreflection #lovealltheway #magichour #throwbacks #mindfulness #positivity"" Supplied by Instagram.com/face to face
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