A Wascoe Indian sits on a canoe he has fashioned, 1897 / A SERIES OF FASCINATING images documenting some of the hostilities between Native Americans and white settlers in North America over a 50-year period have resurfaced today, on the 100th anniversary of the last conflict between Native American tribes and American settlers. Images show several Native Americans from various tribes across America, including members of the Yaqui, Sioux, Apache, Tesuque, and Potawatomi tribes. The pictures, most of which were taken between 1865 and 1915, show the Natives fishing, hunting and performing ritualistic dances. Further images from the collection show the lesser-seen side of the relationship between Native Americans and American settlers, with shots showing a group of six Yaqui Indians who had been lynched, as well as pictures of Mormon settlers who were scalped by the Natives / mediadrumworld.com