A baseball game between the "shellshockers" and the "gasers" at an American Hospital in London. The shell-shock ward, while the gasers are from the ward devoted to men who have been gassed on the Western front / A SERIES OF COMPELLING PHOTOS of shell-shocked World War One soldiers recovering in hospital after being sent home from the Western front have resurfaced this week, nearly a century after first being taken. Haunting images show one unidentified soldier sitting alone in a special treatment room for those suffering with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), then referred to as shell-shock, while another sees a group of soldiers suffering from PTSD sat fishing at the edge of a river. Further pictures show a nurse giving one young boy open-air treatment in an attempt to ease the symptoms of PTSD, with another showing a soldier being trained on how to safely evacuate a comrade who is suffering from PTSD / mediadrumworld.com