A Cloud Shadow military drone developed by AVIC's Chengdu Aerospace Corporation (CAC), is on display during the 11th China International Aviation and Aerospace Exhibition, also known as Airshow China 2016, in Zhuhai city, south China's Guangdong province, 2 November 2016. The Aviation Industry Corporation of China (AVIC) unveiled the first high-altitude, high-speed fixed-wing UAV available for export by China at the 11th Zhuhai Air Show, being held this week in southern China from 1-6 November. The jet-powered Cloud Shadow, developed by AVIC's Chengdu Aerospace Corporation (CAC), is designed for long-range reconnaissance and strike missions. CAC indicated that the UAV has a line-of-sight link radius of 290km, cruising altitude of 14,000m and a maximum speed of 620km/h. A variety of air-to-ground missiles and glide bombs were exhibited at the static display, including new armaments such as the Blue Arrow-7 and -21, YJ-9E and AG-300M. The aircraft has a maximum payload of 400kg, a normal take-off weight of 3,000kg and endurance of six hours. The origins of the Cloud Shadow are enigmatic. The configuration is similar to the Wing Loong's V-tail, propeller-driven UAV, but it has the thrust of the WJ-600 jet-powered UAV. Like the existing Wing Loong UAV, the manufacturer is offering two variants are on offer. One is a pure reconnaissance platform and the other is an armed version for reconnaissance strike missions.