Russia's fleet lying under great Golden Hill forts, being sunk by Japanese shells -- Port Arthur. STUNNING images have revealed the war Putin would have you forget after Russia suffered complete defeat to the military might of Japan. The rare pictures show Russian warships being sunk during the Russo-Japanese war of 1904-1905 as well Russian soldiers marching past their fallen comrades. Other shots show Japanese soldiers recovering in a hospital ward, American sailors posing on a ship before the Portsmouth Peace Conference and flag-waving crowds celebrating Japan???s victory. The black and white photographs document Russia???s complete and utter loss to Japan during the war. Both sides suffered heavy casualties during the war. Around 47,000 Japanese died in the conflict while Russian losses are estimated at between 34,000-53,000. Russian lost almost all its Pacific and Baltic Fleet during the fighting. Japan???s defeat of Russia was the first major victory in the modern-era of an Asian power over a European one.