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(151108) -- TORONTO, Nov. 8, 2015 -- Fan Kexin (R) of China falls after collides with Natalia Maliszewska of Poland during the ladies 500m final of the ISU World Cup Short Track 2015/16 season in Toronto, Canada, Nov. 7, 2015. Elise Christie of Britain won the gold medal with 44.670 seconds, Fan Kexin of China got the 3rd place with 56.100 seconds. ) (SP)CANADA-TORONTO-ISU WORLD CUP SHORT TRACK-WOMEN 500M ZouxZheng PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxCHN Toronto Nov 8 2015 supporter Kexin r of China Falls After Collider with Natalia Maliszewska of Poland during The Ladies 500m Final of The ISU World Cup Short Track 2015 16 Season in Toronto Canada Nov 7 2015 Elise Christie of Britain Won The Gold Medal with 44 670 Seconds supporter Kexin of China Got The 3rd Place with 56 100 Seconds SP Canada Toronto ISU World Cup Short Track Women 500m ZouxZheng PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxCHN