Jo and her husband bought this early 19th century former rectory in Herefordshire soon after their youngest daughter was born five years ago. ?"I was working in TV before that and scarcely saw the girls except at weekends so we felt it was time for a big change." ? Having decided to move out of London, a friend encouraged them to look at property in Hereforshire and this was one of the first houses that Jo viewed. ?"It had everything we wanted. Space, light, period architecture, lovely garden, paddock..." Jo set about revamping the interior herself, creating the home she wanted for her family - fun, colourful, informal, warm...... Her taste is individual; ?the Aga is traditional but the orange and white kitchen most definitely isn't. The dining room with reflective silver wallpaper adds a theatrical touch. ?Metallic wallpaper also embellishes the attic bedroom. ?The new bathroom is unusual too with wood-clad walls - real wood not wallpaper. ??