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Mario Gotze (GER), JULY 13, 2014 - Football / Soccer : Mario Gotze of Germany celebrates after scoring the winning goal in extra time during the FIFA World Cup Brazil 2014 Final match between Germany 1-0 Argentina at Estadio do Maracana in Rio De Janeiro, Brazil. Noxthirdxpartyxsales PUBLICATIONxINxGERxSUIxAUTxHUNxPOLxRUSxSWExFRAxNEDxESPxONLY ( uzdb007158) Mario ger July 13 2014 Football Soccer Mario of Germany Celebrates After Scoring The Winning Goal in extra Time during The FIFA World Cup Brazil 2014 Final Match between Germany 1 0 Argentina AT Estadio Do Mara Cana in Rio de Janeiro Brazil PUBLICATIONxINxGERxSUIxAUTxHUNxPOLxRUSxSWExFRAxNEDxESPxONLY