TOPSHOTS To go with story: Indonesia environment water pollution fashion
TOPSHOTS To go with story: Indonesia environment water pollution fashion In this photograph taken on March 22, 2015 Indonesian models with gas masks wear dresses by Hanna Farhana (C) and Felicia Budi (L and R) during a fashion show in a polluted river basin planted mostly with rice in Rancaekek district near Citarum river located in western Java island as part of a campaign by environmental organization Greenpeace for top international fashion brands to remove toxic chemicals from their supply chains in Indonesia and address water pollution. Local river ways are contaminated with hazardous chemicals discharge from big textile factories supplying fabric materials to local and famous international fashion labels. The toxic industrial waste contributes heavy pollution to Citarum river, Java islands largest river where millions of residents source their water supply for agricultural, domestic and personal use. AFP PHOTO / ROMEO GACAD