Belgia , Bruksela N/z symbol miasta - Atomium - olbrzymi model molekuly zbudowany z okazji wystawy EXPO w 1958 r ma 103 m wysokosci , wewnatrz kul miesci sie muzeum i restauracja
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Brussels Belgium 20060217
The re opening of Atomium in Brussels will take place tomorrow, saturday, for the public. Built for the 1958 Brussels World's Fair (Expo '58), the 103-meter (335-foot) tall Atomium monument represents a unit cell of an iron crystal (body-centered cubic), magnified 165 billion times, with vertical body diagonal, with tubes along the 12 edges of the cube and from all 8 vertices to the center. Nine steel spheres 18 meters in diameter connect via tubes with escalators as long as 35 m, among the longest in Europe. Windows in the top sphere provide a panoramic view of Brussels. Other spheres have 1950s exhibitions.