Bildnummer: 14847464 Datum: 23.10.2013 Copyright: imago/PanoramiC Zlatan Ibrahimovic of PSG FOOTBALL : Anderlecht vs Paris Saint Germain - Ligue des Champions - 23/10/2013 PhotoNews/Panoramic PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxFRAxITAxBEL ; Fussball Champions League 2014 xsp x1x 2013 hoch Highlight premiumd Image number 14847464 date 23 10 2013 Copyright imago Panoramic Zlatan Ibrahimovic of PSG Football Anderlecht vs Paris Saint Germain Ligue the Champions 23 10 2013 Photo News Panoramic PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxFRAxITAxBEL Football Champions League 2014 x1x 2013 vertical Highlight premiumd