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Bildnummer: 58648485 Datum: 29.10.2012 Copyright: imago/BrunoPress Venus, the Yacht of Apple founder Steve Jobs at the yard of Koninklijke de Vries shipbuilding in Aalsmeer PUBLICATIONxINxGERxSUIxAUTxHUNxPOLxJPNxONLY Objekte Schiff Yacht Steve Jobs Aalsmeer xcb x0x 2012 quer Aufmacher premiumd 58648485 Date 29 10 2012 Copyright Imago BrunoPress Venus The Yacht of Apple Founder Steve Jobs AT The Yard of Koninklijke de Vries Shipbuilding in Aalsmeer Objects Ship Yacht Steve Jobs Aalsmeer x0x 2012 horizontal Highlight premiumd