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Bildnummer: 57071089 Datum: 14.02.2012 Copyright: imago/frederic
Foto-Call des Films im Panorama SPECIAL der Berlinale LA MER A L'AUBE / CALM AT SEA /Das Meer am Morgen, Volker Schl?ndorff (Regisseur / Director), Anla?lich der Internationalen Filmfestspiele 2012 in Berlin Berlinale 2012 Kultur Entertainment People Film 62. Internationale Filmfestspiele Berlinale Berlin Photocall Portrat x0x xsk 2012 hoch premiumd Berlinale 2012
57071089 Date 14 02 2012 Copyright Imago Frederic Photo Call the Films in Panorama Special the Berlinale La mer a L'AUBE Calm AT Sea the Sea at Tomorrow Volker Schl?ndorff Director Director during the International Film Festival 2012 in Berlin Berlinale 2012 Culture Entertainment Celebrities Film 62 International Film Festival Berlinale Berlin photo call Portrait x0x xSK 2012 vertical premiumd Berlinale 2012