Transcription et traduction de l'ADN.
Repr??sentation de la transcription de l'ADN pour la fabrication de prot??ines.
L'h??lice d'ADN s'ouvre gr??ce ?. l'ARN polym??rase.
L'ARN messager, ou fragment d'ADN, constitu?? de la succ??ssion de bases ordonn??es appel??es s??quencea, se combine ?. partir d'un des brins de l'h??lice (brin transcrit).
C'est la transcription.
Il sort du noyau par ses ports.
Il passe dans les ribosomes qui les d??criptent par lot de 3 bases successives (codons) donnant chacun un acide amin?? qui recombin?? donnera une prot??ine.
C'est la traduction.
DNA transcription and translation
Illustration of DNA transcription to produce proteins.
Transcription: The DNA double helix is split by RNA polymerase. The messenger RNA (mRNA), or DNA fragment, is made up of a series of ordered bases called sequences and combines using one of the strands of the "unzipped" double helix (transcribed strand).
Translation: The mRNA leaves the nucleus and enters the ribosomes which decode it by groups of 3 successive mRNA nucleotides (codons), each of which is linked to an amino acid which, recombined, will build a protein (peptide chain).