The tiger is ready to take the workers job, TADOBA-ANDHARI TIGER RESERVE, INDIA, AN INQUISITIVE Tigress has been pictured earning her stripes as a GROUNDSKEEPER. Images show the tigress investigating a garden strimmer before scooping it up in her strong jaws and making off with it - perhaps with a view to helping out the grounds team by trimming the grass. These comedic pictures were captured by Director Narayan Malu (40) from Nagpur, India. Narayan captured the playful tigress at Tadoba-Andhari Tiger Reserve, India on their Canon 1dx m2 and Canon r3. “The tigress was on her morning stroll to mark her territory, some forest work of excess grass cutting on the side roads was going on,” said Narayan. “Suddenly she came to the spot and the forest team had to rush to their safety vehicle. “She got inquisitive about the machine which was left in rush, she smelled, grabbed and ran away with it, later on she dropped it. “This is not a typical sight at all, in my last 20 yrs of visiting jungles, I have witnessed such thing for the first time. “I felt very excited and amazed. “My favourite shot is where she grabbed it, just to show the power of the jaw. “I love how God has created these creatures which are so wonderful in each and every way possible. "They give you such an adrenal rush every time you click them. "The thrill to witness them is something that can't be defined in words.” ENDS.