A blackbird looks striking in the snowy conditions, LANCASHIRE, UK, CHARMING IMAGES of British birds enjoying the winter snow have been captured.
Images show the plucky birds including starlings, a robin, a bluetit, a blackbird and a house sparrow all embracing the snow as they pose for the camera. Perched on the snowy branches the birds can be seen nibbling on the berries and basking in the winter sun.
These images were captured by photographer Debra O’Connor from Lancashire, UK.
Debra captured the birds in Lancashire UK on her Nikon Z8 and Nikon 180 – 600 f5.6 – 6.3 lens.
“Garden birds were fighting over the last remaining berries on the trees,” said Debra.
“You don’t always see small garden birds flying around in the snow.
“It was sunny and they were probably hungry.
“I like the lovely sunlight on the starlings and the snow falling off the branch.
“I love seeing any wildlife, and happy when I see them feeding and keeping safe.