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La Princesse Charlene donne le départ de la 25eme Edition de la No Finish Line This year, Princess Charlene is the patron of the 25th edition of the No Finish Line, which she officially launched today in the presence of the Minister of State, the President of the National Council and the President of the No Finish Line Princess Charlene is this year the patron of the 25th Edition of the No Finish Line, which she officially launched today in the presence of the Minister of State, the President of the National Council and the President of the No Finish Line 311522 2024 11 16 Monaco Monaco Wittstock, Charlene Princesse de Monaco PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxFRAxBEL Copyright: xJean-CharlesxVinajx/xStarfacex STAR_311522_005