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v. li. im Kampf um den Ball Jona Niemiec Duesseldorf 18 Bartloiej WdowikHannover 17 30.08.2024 Fussball Fortuna Duesseldorf vs Hannover 96, Merkur Spiel-Arena, Duesseldorf, DFB/DFL REGULATIONS PROHIBIT ANY USE OF PHOTOGRAPHS AS IMAGE SEQUENCES AND/OR QUASI-VIDEO NRW Germany *** v li fighting for the ball Jona Niemiec Duesseldorf 18 Bartloiej Wdowik Hannover 17 30 08 2024 Soccer Fortuna Duesseldorf vs Hannover 96, Merkur Spiel Arena, Duesseldorf, DFB DFL REGULATIONS PROHIBIT ANY USE OF PHOTOGRAPHS AS IMAGE SEQUENCES AND OR QUASI VIDEO NRW Germany Copyright: xpepphotox/xHorstxMauelshagenx pep00321, pep_20240830_hm