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Russia Telegram Support Rally 8749832 25.08.2024 A girl attends a rally in support of Telegram founder Pavel Durov near the French embassy in Moscow, Russia. On Saturday, Durov, who has dual Russian-French citizenship, was detained at Le Bourget airport outside Paris, France. The 39-year-old Russian-born is expected to appear before a judge on Sunday on charges linked to criminal uses of his social media app, including terrorism, drug trafficking and money laundering, which could land him in jail for up to 20 years. Alexey Maishev / Sputnik Moscow Russia PUBLICATIONxINxGERxSUIxAUTxESTxLTUxLATxNORxSWExDENxNEDxPOLxUKxONLY Copyright: xAlexeyxMaishevx