Magic lantern slide circa 1900.Victorian/Edwardian.Social History. The Oiled feather a series of 12 slides created in 1888, created from a book published in 1871 written by Philip Bennett 1822-1899. Slide 2 Rusty Joe. IN THE VILLAGE of Hurst lived two neighbours named Joseph Irons and Samuel Parsons. Joseph Irons went by the name of " Rusty Joe," and Samuel Parsons by that of "Polished Sam." The names were characteristic of the men, Joseph Irons being a short tart kind of man in his dealings with his fellow-creatures ; and Samuel Parsons being on the other hand genial and civil. Joseph Irons wouldn't put his hand to his hat for any man, not he ! he wouldn't waste his time with palavering people with fine words, no, not he ! if folk didn't like his goods, they may leave them ; and if they didn't like his answers, they needn't ask him any questions; in a word, "Rusty Joe," though very honest, and very decent living, was disliked by almost everybody; and, in truth, no one could be surprised.