Victorian Stereoview card from circa 1900 for viewing thought a stereoscope. An american cowboy shooting an Indian who has a young girl captured. The slide title is 'His prayer sped shot rang to the sky, the red man dropped and dropped to die. Made by Stroymeyer and Wyman. Towards the end of the 19th century, the pro-Indian attitude encountered in Shaw's painting and Longfellow's Hiawatha seems increasingly to have been supplanted by the notion of the savage as a menace. A striking example of the coarsening of this tendency and, at the same time, an indication of the kind of popularization the motif lent itself to, is provided by a set of six slides for stereopticon among the treasures of the American Antiquarian Society. "His prayer-sped shot rang to the sky, The red-man dropped-and dropped to die." This set of stereoptics is a fine example of the way in which the story of the winning of the West was brought home