Christy Turlington (cturlington / 03.05.2021): I am so excited to share that my good friend and @everymomcounts partner, @iamjenniejoseph, has accomplished something seriously historic. Until recently, there was not a single accredited midwifery training program in the United States of America that was founded and led by a Black woman. Jennie has changed that. Her school, Commonsense Childbirth School of Midwifery, is now the FIRST and ONLY accredited midwifery school of its kind. Heres why that matters. Research shows that when women are cared for by midwives, they have excellent health outcomes AND they have more respectful, positive and satisfying experiences. When Black babies are cared for by Black healthcare providers, the rate of infant mortality is cut in half. Yet Black midwives make up only SIX percent of all midwives in the United States. This is a critical point for the maternal health crisis in the U.S. I want to congratulate Jennies achievement and also uplift her vital Commonsense Childbirth School of Midwifery. In honor of this huge achievement, all donations you make to @everymomcounts today will support Jennies school. Please follow the link in my bio, or swipe up in my story, to support. And, join me in saying in the comments below: Congratulations, Jennie! Supplied by to face