Busy Philipps (busyphilipps / 26.04.2021): Its hard not to live in a constant state of comparison (especially on this app but honestly- especially just in life in general) but I keep trying to remember always that *comparison kills creativity*. And generally, it helps me to stop comparing myself to others and motivating myself from that place- because truly when Im stuck in that competition place, I never come up with the most authentic and best ideas for myself- it always falls a little flat because its not really rooted in truth. ANYWAY. This has literally nothing to do with these pictures, which are just me in a cute @cocofennell dress in the sunshine yesterday. But in lieu of some clever self deprecating caption, I thought Id tell you what Im thinking about this am. DO WITH IT WHAT YOU WILL! Also. #ijltp HAPPY MONDAY, bbs! Supplied by Instagram.com/face to face