Ian Somerhalder (/ 03.02.2021): This is a BIG week. We released the FREE EDUCATIONAL VERSION of our award winning documentary I executive Produced @kissthegroundmovie KISS THE GROUND FOR SCHOOLS ! This will go to tens of millions of students around the world and hundreds of thousands of teachers! We DID IT! I am so beyond proud to have participated in this film and I asked you to join me to share this far and wide to every teacher, educator, school, community organizer and homeschooler so they may claim their copy for free and begin experiencing the first climate change curriculum focused on drawdown and regeneration. Please go to @kissthegroundmovie OR http://kissthegroundmovie.com Thank you from the bottom of my heart! Our film can help be a catalyst to end climate change. Lets give our kids, our young people in schools and their educators a chance to live this dream! @kissthegroundmovie @kissthegroundmovie @kissthegroundmovie @kissthegroundmovie @kissthegroundmovie Supplied by Instagram.com/face to face