Le photographe Ameer al-Halbi soigne par des 'street medics', samedi, lors de la manifestation parisienne contre la loi securite globale. Il a recu un coup de matraque durant une charge de la police place de la bastille Street medics tend to Syrian freelance photographer Ameer al-Halbi who was injured during clashes in a demonstration against the 'global security' draft law, which Article 24 would criminalise the publication of images of on-duty police officers with the intent of harming their 'physical or psychological integrity', in Paris, on November 28, 2020. Dozens of rallies are planned on November 28 against a new French law that would restrict sharing images of police, only days after the country was shaken by footage showing officers beating and racially abusing a black man.//CORETPHOTOS_1216.1196/2012021520