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Bildnummer: 55324178 Datum: 07.05.2011 Copyright: imago/Olaf Wagner Demonstration gegen den Neubau des Flughafens Berlin Brandenburg (BBI) und die neuen Flugrouten. Der Demonstrationszug ging ?z?ber die B96 am Flughafen vorbei , wo es zu einer kurzen Sitzblockade kam. Gesellschaft Protest Flugrouten Flugl?z?rm BBI kbdig xsk 2011 quer premiumd Demo Demonstration demonstrieren BBI Berlin Brandenburg International Flughafen Sch?z?nefeld Neubau Flugroute Flugrouten L?z?rm L?z?rmbel?z?stigung o0 Kost?z?m, Sensenmann, Tod Bildnummer 55324178 Date 07 05 2011 Copyright Imago Olaf Wagner Demonstration against the Building the Airport Berlin Brandenburg BBI and the New Flight routes the Demonstration went above the B96 at Airport over where it to a short Head blockade came Society Protest Flight routes Aircraft noise BBI Kbdig xSK 2011 horizontal premiumd Demonstration Demonstration demonstrate BBI Berlin Brandenburg International Airport Schoenefeld Building Flight route Flight routes Noise Noise o0 Costume Grim Reaper Death