Annawon Weeden, 46, a member of the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe, sits for a portrait outside his home in Oakdale, Conn., Friday, Sept. 25, 2020. "How do you pay somebody for that?" said Weeden when asked if governments should make financial reparations to Native people. "The most valuable thing anyone can have or possess ever is time and you don't get that time back. I don't get my ancestors back. It's degrading to think that you could buy your way out of what you put us in. Actions speak for themselves," Weeden said. "You don't got to pay me a dime. Clean up your community, show some respect. Pay the land the respect. It's never about me. It's about this land. I'm only here for a short time. This land had to last a lot longer. Your children are going to have to inherit this. What do you want to leave them? Let's look about our children and how our children's lives are going to turn out because if we can't get things to go better for them, we've all failed." (AP Photo/David Goldman), APTOPIX