Lena Dunham (lenadunham / 23.03.2020): Right now, we should all be using our unique skills and passions to make this period of time feel a little less lonely. My humble dream is to lift your spirits while we're #socialdistancing (heck, I want to lift my own) and storytelling is the tool I know how to use. So I'm writing an interactive serialized romance novel for @voguemagazine. Its a fictionalized modern love story called #VerifiedStrangers - A chapter a day, Monday through Friday, for as long as it takes.. and you can vote via poll which direction it should go next! First chapter is up now! Read along and let me know which way you want it to go (polls are up on Vogues IG stories every Tuesday and Friday) and you will ultimately decide who (if anyone!) our protagonist, Ally, ends up with. I hope you are all safe and sound. Sending love and hopefully some happy entertainment. The link to read along is in my bio! Oh - and ask me questions with the hashtag #VerifiedStrangersOnVogue and Ill answer some on IG stories and in comments too! Will you tell me what moments made you laugh, cringe or relate? Does Ally remind you of yourself? Supplied by Instagram.com/face to face