Lindsey Vonn (lindseyvonn / 17.03.2020): We ventured out to the grocery store and want to give a HUGE shout out to everyone who is still working and on the front lines! THANK YOU for keeping our country running! Doctors, nurses, first responders, police officers, grocery stores, pharmacies, airports.. everyone! Stay safe everyone!! Wash your hands and please respect the social distancing rule. Its important we all do our part to stop this from spreading! Remember, just because you dont have any symptoms doesnt mean you dont have it and arent still spreading it. Still not sure if the masks help but Id rather be overly cautious since Ive been in areas of COVID-19 outbreaks. Also had ordered them 7 weeks ago when news of the virus was just starting. Stay clean! Stay Healthy Supplied by to face
fot. Face to Face/REPORTER