Japan's Enperor Naruhito heads for the Imperial Palace in Tokyo on May 8, 2019. Emperor and Empress Masako is to attend Kashikodokoro-ni-Kijitsu-Hokoku-no-Gi, the ceremony in which Imperial couple apprise the Imperial Ancestors, at the Kashikodokoro (Imperial Palace Sanctuaries), of the dates of Sokuirei (Enthronement) and Daijosai (Grand Thanksgiving), and Koreiden-Shinden-ni-Kijitsu-Hokoku-no-Gi, the ceremony in which the couple is to apprise the Imperial Ancestors, at Koreiden and Shinden (also Imperial Palace Sanctuaries), of the dates of Sokuirei and Daijosai, on the same day. Those are the first Ritual Ceremonies of the Imperial Palace after the enthronement. ( The Yomiuri Shimbun via AP Images )