Anna Lewandowska (annalewandowskahpba / 10.08.2018): Chocia u mnie za oknem (nareszcie) deszcz. To pewnie wielu z Was wygrzewa si na wakacjach i bardzo dobrze!!! adujcie baterie! Dzisiaj na BLOGU przygotowaam wpis: Negatywne skutki opalania. Przygotowaam dla Was kilka porad, jak pozosta zdrowym i jednoczenie cieszy si wakacjami i slocem #healthyyearbyann #annalewandowska #blog #sun Although there is rain outside my window (finally). But probably many of you are on vacation! Great! Charge your batteries! Today on the BLOG You can find new post: Negative effects of tanning. I have prepared some tips for you, how to remain healthy and at the same time how to enjoy the holidays and the sun" Supplied by to face