SEXIST SCENES that reveal the perception of a Nazi official describing US women as flirts and playgirls in comparison with German women who were considered useful for the country in war have been exposed. In the beginning of the footage, the lead character describes the French as ???confused and helpless in the hands of fascist leaders???, while he labels England as ???weak??? and frightened and the US as having ???no army, navy or air force???. Other scenes show a man asking another whether he would consider American women to work for them, followed by the lead man laughing sarcastically and labelled them ???the most decadent women on the face of the Earth???. He goes on to quote a few ???statistics??? about what American women have done to degrade the country, including; in 1938 they spent more on cosmetics than the United States Navy did to purchase warships. The clip is part of a Department of Defence film called The Hidden Army which was produced in 1944, and goes on to redeem the negative views on the contributions of women during the Second World War.