imago ist zur Vergabe einer einfachen Nutzungslizenz zum Zeitpunkt der Bereitstellung berechtigt. Pers?nlichkeits- und Markenrechte sowie Bestimmungen des Urheberrechts bzgl. abgebildeter Werke sind zu beachten. Kommerzielle Nutzung in Eigenverantwortung.
Coca-Cola Life rolls out nationwide Six-packs of cans of the new Coca-Cola Life in a supermarket in New York on Tuesday, November 25, 2014. The 60-calorie drink is sweetened with cane sugar and Stevia. The product appears to be popular with stores selling out with customers liking the taste and the green labeling. Previously the only way to get Coke made with cane sugar in the United States was to purchase imported Mexican bottled Coke or to buy the Kosher for Passover product (dietary laws prevent corn syrup being used). ( PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxUSAxUK RICHARDxB.xLEVINE